Theatre Discount - Operett Theatre| Drive-in Cinema| Free University Program-Series| Elevenpark - Registration is open for 2024| Budapest Park tickets| Wildlife Park & Adventure Park Budakeszi| Theatre Tickets | Theatre Discount - Art-Szintér | Zoo Ticket - Registration is open for 2024|

Theatre Discount - Operett Theatre


Tickets with 30% discount are available at Operett Theatre 

( 1065. Budapest, Váci út 63) 



Special 30% discount for Szenes Iván 100 years Memorial concert by using the following discount code: Szenes30


Only a few seats left by the following link: 2024. május 8. 19:00



SC Members can purchase theatre tickets with 30% discount for the famous Hegedűs a háztetőn musical for the following dates by using the following discount code: Hegedus30


Hegedűs a háztetőn – May 9-12. 


FURTHERMORE if you buy theatre tickets for two different play from the below list you will be able to use a 50% discount code: Majus50


A mosoly országa (May 3-5.)

Hegedűs a háztetőn (May 9-12.)

János Vitéz (May 17-19.)

Nine/Kilenc (May 31.)



Please keep in mind that all the plays will be in hungarian language with subscription!

*The discount cannot be used for VIP tickets!*



In case of any question contact: CSAMPAI, FANNI /