Theatre Discount - Operett Theatre| Drive-in Cinema| Free University Program-Series| Elevenpark - Registration is open for 2024| Budapest Park tickets| Wildlife Park & Adventure Park Budakeszi| Theatre Tickets | Theatre Discount - Art-Szintér | Zoo Ticket - Registration is open for 2024|

Zoo Ticket - Registration is open for 2024



Only Members can sign up for the Zoo Park.

TWO entries are available for the same day. Please register ONLY ONCE for the given day which entitles 2 adults and 3 children to enter at the same time for free. If you register yourself with somebody else on a given date, please contact your colleague to be able to hand over the Zoo Pass. (There is only one pass avaiable)

Entrance is possible only after registering yourself in the Share Point site and upon showing the Zoo Pass which is avaiable on the reception by using your 2022 SC card or EM badge.

Pass can be picked up only on the day for which you registered and needs to be returned by the end of the day to ensure that it can be used on the next day. 

It can happen that someone does not return the card, so please make sure the card is avaiable before you would like to use it.  

Card is available 24/7 at the reception in Core A. 

Weekends are available 2 times per year whereas weekdays are available without restrictions. Last minute registration for the weekend is possible if places are still available on the given week on Friday afternoon.

!!! Please note in case of a loss of the ZOO Pass, you need to pay to BSC 10,000 HUF for the replacement fee for the zoo pass plastic card !!!

To check availability, and registration please CLICK HERE

In case of any assistance is needed please contact:

Nagy, Hajnalka, Láng, Ildikó